Discovering God-given strengths and talents

Middle School

Years 7 – 9

The Middle Years of Schooling at Horizon provide support for adolescents at a time when they are showing awareness of and concern for the world around them that they are trying to fit into. It is a stage of life that presents challenges physically, emotionally, socially, intellectually and spiritually.
The Middle Years of Schooling at Horizon embrace this stage of life by providing a challenging and engaging curriculum delivered by a smaller team of specialist teachers in a caring and understanding environment. Great emphasis is placed upon strengthening quality relationships between teachers and students to ensure positive and successful learning outcomes. A range of learning activities are offered to students across areas of sport and fitness, technology and agriculture, music and voice, drama and Christian living. This provides students with every opportunity to discover and develop their God-given talents and strengths.

The RITE Journey

The Rite Journey program at Horizon is part of the Year 9 Christian Living subject. This program is aimed to complement the role of parents and carers in guiding students into young adulthood. Young people yearn to prove that they are adults. Most traditional cultures have a carefully crafted process guided by elders that provides this experience. In the absence of this adolescents often take it upon themselves to create their own rites of passage. There are significant challenges that many young people face in today’s society. The dominance of media; changing nature of family structures; pressures of work life and the stretching out of the years which young people spend navigating their way to adulthood, all have a price. Adolescents are best helped by community guidance. A unique feature of The Rite Journey is the seven steps that form a contemporary ‘Rite of Passage’. The staff at Horizon have been extensively trained with The Rite Journey team to create a special, memorable series of events, aimed at honouring each child’s transition into young adulthood.

The RITE Journey