
Payment of Fees

School fees are payable each term. These fees cover tuition, most excursions and stationery including the use of textbooks and consumable items. Stationery, books and other materials remain the property of the school.

Fee Schedule

The tables below show the basic fees for 2024. Please contact the school if you have any questions about these amounts. The schedule shows the fees that are charged along with any discount for families where more than one child is enrolled at Horizon or where families are eligible for the School Card as approved by the State government. The following approximate sibling discounts apply: 2nd child 25%; 3rd child 50%; 4th child 100%.
A school card discount of 50% of the normal fee applies to qualifying families for Balaklava Campus and 40% for Clare Campus (see below).This table shows the complete fee structure.

School Card Discount

To receive School Card discount, at the beginning of each year you must apply to the Department of Education, Training & Employment (DETE) and receive official notification that you are eligible for the School card benefit, before the School can make concession. Note that the information on the DECD website is updated each January.
The tuition fee will be invoiced at the full rate until official notification of eligibility is received by the School.
Please contact the school for the appropriate Application Form and due dates for lodgement. The lodgement dates and Application Forms will not be available until the end of January.
We encourage families who believe they could qualify for school card to complete the appropriate application forms.

Other Fees & Charges

• Camps / Some excursions
• Subject Levies for Yr10-12 Outdoor Education and some other subjects may apply
• Subjects chosen via Open Access College/TAFE may attract a charge
• Once-off “Offer of place” fee of $20 upon submission of enrolment form
• A book shop is available from the Front Office for students to purchase extra stationery.
• Non Compulsory Building fund donation of $50-$200 per family
• Bus fee’s applicable to students travelling on Horizon buses as per chart below

Bus Fees (per Annum)

• 1st child = $200
• 2nd child = $100
• 3rd child = $50
• 4th child = nil

Payment Options

  • All Families are required to engage with FACTS, our fee payment portal
  • Full payment at the start of each year – A 6% discount applies to fees
  • Full payment at the start of each term – A 4% discount applies to fees
  • Other methods by agreement
  • Invoices are sent out on a term-by-term basis.

Senior School (10-12)

First Child
Second Child
Third Child
Fourth Child
Full Fee
With School Card

Middle School (7-9)

First Child
Second Child
Third Child
Fourth Child
Full Fee
With School Card

Primary School (4-6)

First Child
Second Child
Third Child
Fourth Child
Full Fee
With School Card

Primary School (F-3)

First Child
Second Child
Third Child
Fourth Child
Full Fee
With School Card