A slow computer can be a number of things, Lest make a list to troubleshoot this together.
- low storage space
- Try deleting files and folders that are no longer needed in Downloads folder. (Do Not Delete Downloads Folder Itself)
- Too many applications running at 1 time.
- Try closing Word and Powerpoint windows that are no longer needed
- Long running times
- Sometimes when a computer has been running for long periods of time they consume a lot of resources leave very little for your day to day usage.
- Restarting your device will free up our resources and refresh the computer.
Those are 3 main problems for slow devices, Other issues require a re-image (re-install) to bring the device back to fresh.
Majority of our staff devices are past thier effeciency age, with evolving technology and new requirements for apps, a computer older than 4 – 5 years of age is no longer a effecient device for day to day usage for busniness / work.
Speak to IT about upgrading your device to put on the Rolling Upgrade schedule.